Salah satu media massa tanah air (untuk
kesekian kalinya) menyajikan isu yang sangat provokatif.
Kompas.Com sore kemarin (23/7) mengangkat berita dengan judul provokatif yang diambil dari media : “Selama Puasa, Siswa Non-Muslim Malaysia Terpaksa Makan di Toilet”. Berita dengan foto yang memperlihatkan anak-anak non Muslim sedang makan di toilet menjadi ilustrasi yang bisa membuat siapapun yang melihatnya menjadi geram, terprovokasi, dan tersinggung, khususnya orangtua siswa tersebut dan masyarakat non Muslim.
Seperti ditulis Kompas.Com, foto
tersebut diunggah Guneswary Kelly, seorang ibu yang putrinya bersekolah
di sekolah milik Pemerintah Malaysia itu. Guneswari mengatakan, sekolah
"memaksa" para siswa non-Muslim makan di toilet dengan alasan
menghormati mereka yang berpuasa.
Berita yang hari ini menjadi Berita
Terpopuler di Kompas.Com itu tentu saja amat menyinggung perasaan siapa saja
yang membacanya, khususnya bagi umat non Muslim yang merasa diperlakukan hina
dengan cara yang sangat tidak beradab oleh sebuah institusi pendidikan.
Puluhan bahkan ratusan hujatan, yang
secara langsung maupun tidak langsung menyerang dan menyakiti perasaan umat
Islam, langsung bertebaran di kolom komentar Kompas.Com. Mulai dari yang
“halus” sampai yang kasar. Dan itu dibiarkan bergulir seperti bola liar
oleh Kompas.Com. Tak sedikitpun Kompas.Com peduli bahwa sekian juta umat Islam
di Indonesia, termasuk di antaranya pembaca Kompas.Com sedang berpuasa dan
menahan kesabaran dengan hujatan itu.
Pertanyaannya, benarkah sedemikian
diskriminatif dan tidak beradabnya sekolah tersebut sampai-sampai tega memaksa
muridnya yang tidak puasa untuk makan di toilet?
Ternyata tidak sulit untuk menemukan
fakta yang sebenarnya terjadi. Salah seorang pembaca di kolom komentar
Kompas.Com. mengajak pembaca untuk melihat info pembanding di
website OhTidak.Com
Dari websiteitu secara mudah bisa
ditemukan fakta bahwa ternyata tuduhan itu tidak sepenuhnya benar bahkan lebih
mengarah ke provokasi. Foto2 dan investigasi lebih lengkap bisa
didapatkan di website milik Mazidul Akmal
Tempat yang dikatakan sebagai
toilet itu sebenarnya adalah ruang ganti pakaian bagi siswa. Dulunya memang
kamar mandi yang dilengkapi shower, tapi sejak bulan Maret 2013
lalu sudah dirubah fungsinya. Saat kantin ramai dan tidak dapat lagi
menampung siswa yang makan, ruang ganti itu difungsikan sebagai ruangan makan
bagi para siswa.
Jangan bayangkan ruangannya kotor
layaknya toilet. Bisa dilihat di foto-foto yang terdapat di website
Maziduakmal,com, ruang ganti yang berubah fungsi jadi ruang makan itu
benar-benar bersih, wangi dan tidak pernah lagi digunakan untuk mandi apalagi
buang air. Hanya ada wastafel untuk cuci tangan, meja dan kursi
yang disediakan untuk siswa. Terdapat beberapa tulisan di dinding ruangan
larangan untuk buang air kecil maupun besar di ruangan itu.
Intinya adalah :
1. Ruangan itu bukan
toilet, tapi ruang ganti yang sudah dirubah fungsi menjadi ruang istirahat dan
makan saat kantin tidak cukup. (lokasi ruangan di dekat kantin).
2. Ruangan
itu digunakan oleh semua siswa, tanpa melihat latar belakang
Suku, Ras dan Agama. Bahkan sejak bulan Maret 2013 ruangan itu sudah digunakan
oleh para siswa, termasuk yang beragama Islam untuk makan. Jadi tidak hanya
pada waktu bulan puasa saja dipakai oleh mereka yang non muslim.
3. Dikarenakan
pada bulan puasa kantin sedang direnovasi, maka aktivitas makan seluruhnya
dipindah sementara ke ruang ganti tersebut. Namun siswa beragama Islam yang
tidak berpuasa juga ikut makan di sana.
Salah seorang siswa yang bersekolah di
sana juga sempat bercerita di Facebooknya bahwa sebenarnya tidak ada masalah
selama ini dengan ruang itu. Menurutnya, anak-anak para guru yang bersekolah di
sana juga ikut makan di tempat yang sama.
Tidak hanya siswa yang bersekolah di
tempat itu yang mengeluhkan berlebihannya media massa memfitnah dan
mencari keburukan dari sekolah itu. Anak dari Kepala sekolah tersebut yang saat
ini sedang menempuh sekolah kedokteran di London juga merasa sangat terpukul,
sedih dan terluka. Ia menuangkan kesedihannya dalam tulisan di wall Facebooknya. Membaca
tulisan jeritan hati si putri Kepala Sekolah di Facebooknya bisa terbayang
bagaimana kecewa dan sedihnya ia dengan tuduhan kejam yang ditujukan kepada
ayahnya. Status itu telah dishare 2300 lebih pengguna Facebook.
Berikut selengkapnya "jeritan
hati" Farah Asyikin, anak si Kepala sekolah :
-------------------------- Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang..
I'm usually fast at writing my post but this time I'm stuck. No words can reveal my frustration about what has been happening. I scroll through my facebook wall and I just couldn't bear all the fitnahs that have been going. I'm crying inside. Very loud. Trying my best not to curse out-loud during this holy month. People are talking as if they knew everything. I can't even believe some of them are actually my friends. I can't blame them. They don't know the real story. So they have the right to talk?? To post whatever they want? Even things that are damaging to people involved?
As most of you have known or heard of it's the very famous story of the school that 'forced' non-muslims to eat in the TOILET. Oh my goodness for the sake of your religions and beliefs it is a CHANGING ROOM to begin with. Now some other people don't even care to know the difference. They ARE DIFFERENT! And do you even know the condition of the place to say that it's dirty, not hygienic and whatnot? You're not even there. Why are you rubbing salt to the wounds? Do you really not know, heard or even care about RACIAL SENSITIVITY? If you do why is there only non-muslims in that photo even though muslim students ARE ASKED to do the same if they aren’t fasting. They are not given extra treatment, to eat in a luxurious dining hall. They are all treated equally. Just the fact that there are more non-muslims who aren’t fasting makes it a bigger deal. Do you see what I see now?
I'm very deeply wounded by this and ESPECIALLY WOUNDED because it's my dad who is involved in this matter. Yes it's my freaking DAD. He is the headmaster of the school and only God knows how many times I have rethink about posting this on my wall but things have gotten too serious for what it's worth and I can't help but to do something, at least by doing this. Who am I again? Who are going to read my post? I'm just like any other medical student studying overseas under the blessings of duit rakyat, and temporarily back in Malaysia for summer holiday, hoping to spend a good time with my family, but now this?
My dad is the most motivated headmaster I've ever met and yes you may think I say this out of bias as a daughter but hey aren't your dad the best dad in the whole world for you? I know my dad so well. He may be a person who is inclined to support the government, but he will NEVER abuses his power to do anything like has been accused by some irresponsible parties. He comes back everyday from work boasting about his school's potential. About how the kids have grown better in both academics and co-curiculums. He never stops asking me and my brother questions about how to improve his school. Urging us to go to his school to give out speeches to motivate the students to reach out for their dreams. To become role models to the society and do not let the society ruins you no matter what. Ironic enough, it's the society who ruined him.
What makes things worse is people keep on posting bad things about my dad, even attacking his posts he's made in the past that I need to deactivate his facebook for a while to protect him from those horrendous comments and threatening messages that he didn't even know about.
Please people, if you still have the slightest bit of humanity stop the fitnah. Do you not fear of the consequences of spreading fitnah? Do you not fear of God's punishment? I'm writing crying my heart out with the intention of being able to reach out to your decent hearts, please STOP! In the name of Allah, in the name of God, please, PUTTING ASIDE WHICH POLITICAL PARTIES YOU'RE ON, just think of me from a perspective of a daughter who cares about her dad. I'm sure you all know how I feel. If you think I'm writing this to gain sympathy, you're damn right I am. If that's the least that I can do for my dad.
FYI, because of your ruthless thought Mr. Author, my dad is now with the police, to be investigated. Seriously is my dad really that bad of a person? I think it's enough for me not to agree with that. And I'm sure all of the people who truly knows him would be on my side. Tabahkan hati Farah. InsyaAllah Allah bersama org teraniaya. The truth will be revealed. I’m praying hard for that. And I believe those who are my friends are with me. No matter what your skin colour or beliefs. People who knows me knows me well and I believe in them and those who don't, don't even bother to stalk my life finding faults in mine. Cause I'm sure some of you have done that to my dad. May God guide your life. You can read the post in the picture if you would even bother.
-------------------------- Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang..
I'm usually fast at writing my post but this time I'm stuck. No words can reveal my frustration about what has been happening. I scroll through my facebook wall and I just couldn't bear all the fitnahs that have been going. I'm crying inside. Very loud. Trying my best not to curse out-loud during this holy month. People are talking as if they knew everything. I can't even believe some of them are actually my friends. I can't blame them. They don't know the real story. So they have the right to talk?? To post whatever they want? Even things that are damaging to people involved?
As most of you have known or heard of it's the very famous story of the school that 'forced' non-muslims to eat in the TOILET. Oh my goodness for the sake of your religions and beliefs it is a CHANGING ROOM to begin with. Now some other people don't even care to know the difference. They ARE DIFFERENT! And do you even know the condition of the place to say that it's dirty, not hygienic and whatnot? You're not even there. Why are you rubbing salt to the wounds? Do you really not know, heard or even care about RACIAL SENSITIVITY? If you do why is there only non-muslims in that photo even though muslim students ARE ASKED to do the same if they aren’t fasting. They are not given extra treatment, to eat in a luxurious dining hall. They are all treated equally. Just the fact that there are more non-muslims who aren’t fasting makes it a bigger deal. Do you see what I see now?
I'm very deeply wounded by this and ESPECIALLY WOUNDED because it's my dad who is involved in this matter. Yes it's my freaking DAD. He is the headmaster of the school and only God knows how many times I have rethink about posting this on my wall but things have gotten too serious for what it's worth and I can't help but to do something, at least by doing this. Who am I again? Who are going to read my post? I'm just like any other medical student studying overseas under the blessings of duit rakyat, and temporarily back in Malaysia for summer holiday, hoping to spend a good time with my family, but now this?
My dad is the most motivated headmaster I've ever met and yes you may think I say this out of bias as a daughter but hey aren't your dad the best dad in the whole world for you? I know my dad so well. He may be a person who is inclined to support the government, but he will NEVER abuses his power to do anything like has been accused by some irresponsible parties. He comes back everyday from work boasting about his school's potential. About how the kids have grown better in both academics and co-curiculums. He never stops asking me and my brother questions about how to improve his school. Urging us to go to his school to give out speeches to motivate the students to reach out for their dreams. To become role models to the society and do not let the society ruins you no matter what. Ironic enough, it's the society who ruined him.
What makes things worse is people keep on posting bad things about my dad, even attacking his posts he's made in the past that I need to deactivate his facebook for a while to protect him from those horrendous comments and threatening messages that he didn't even know about.
Please people, if you still have the slightest bit of humanity stop the fitnah. Do you not fear of the consequences of spreading fitnah? Do you not fear of God's punishment? I'm writing crying my heart out with the intention of being able to reach out to your decent hearts, please STOP! In the name of Allah, in the name of God, please, PUTTING ASIDE WHICH POLITICAL PARTIES YOU'RE ON, just think of me from a perspective of a daughter who cares about her dad. I'm sure you all know how I feel. If you think I'm writing this to gain sympathy, you're damn right I am. If that's the least that I can do for my dad.
FYI, because of your ruthless thought Mr. Author, my dad is now with the police, to be investigated. Seriously is my dad really that bad of a person? I think it's enough for me not to agree with that. And I'm sure all of the people who truly knows him would be on my side. Tabahkan hati Farah. InsyaAllah Allah bersama org teraniaya. The truth will be revealed. I’m praying hard for that. And I believe those who are my friends are with me. No matter what your skin colour or beliefs. People who knows me knows me well and I believe in them and those who don't, don't even bother to stalk my life finding faults in mine. Cause I'm sure some of you have done that to my dad. May God guide your life. You can read the post in the picture if you would even bother.
Link :
Itulah yang saat ini sedang terjadi di media pemberitaan kita dan (juga) dunia. Media sudah tak lagi peduli apakah beritanya akan berdampak buruk bagi hubungan antar umat beragama atau tidak. Isue-isue buruk yang berhubungan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan umat Islam selalu dijadikan bahan pro-kontra. Media tak peduli ratusan hujatan terberondong bagaikan peluru dari senapan mesin tertuju kepada umat Islam yang saat ini sedang berpuasa. Media sudah tak peduli apakah gara-gara pemberitaannya yang tidak lengkap dan tendensius terhadap agama / umat tertentu bisa menyakitkan dan melukai perasaan umat yang sedang berpuasa di bulan Ramadhanini.
Link :
Itulah yang saat ini sedang terjadi di media pemberitaan kita dan (juga) dunia. Media sudah tak lagi peduli apakah beritanya akan berdampak buruk bagi hubungan antar umat beragama atau tidak. Isue-isue buruk yang berhubungan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan umat Islam selalu dijadikan bahan pro-kontra. Media tak peduli ratusan hujatan terberondong bagaikan peluru dari senapan mesin tertuju kepada umat Islam yang saat ini sedang berpuasa. Media sudah tak peduli apakah gara-gara pemberitaannya yang tidak lengkap dan tendensius terhadap agama / umat tertentu bisa menyakitkan dan melukai perasaan umat yang sedang berpuasa di bulan Ramadhanini.
Terlihat pula berbagai komentar yang “sangat
sopan” termuat di kolom komentar Kompas.Com dan di media-media lain yang
ikut-ikutan memberitakan “pemelintiran” berita ini.
Dari sini hendaknya kita umat
Muslim bisa mengambil pelajaran untuk tidak mudah terprovokasi. Karena Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala –Maha Suci Dia dan
Maha Tinggi- telah mengajarkan kepada kita melalui firman-Nya yang diabadikan
dalam Surah Al Hujurat ayat keenam, “Hai
orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu
berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah
kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal
atas perbuatanmu itu.”
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